Kaden is an extremely smiley baby. He loves to coo and even gives us a little giggle here and there. He loves his big sister and 'talks' and smiles most with her. :) He's sleeping through the night and is so content during the day....such a joy!
Kaelyn continues to amaze us with her vocabulary. Her newest thing is pointing out signs as we drive. We have no clue where she learned it...but she'll say "Mom, stop sign" or "Dad, a turn sign". She's our little backseat driver...hehe. The other day she said "Daddy, be careful...there's cars coming!". :)
There's been a lot going on since I posted last. A couple of weeks ago Scott and I decided to take the kids to an indoor waterpark a couple of hours from where we live. We're all getting tired of being cooped up in the house this winter, so we thought this would be a fun little getaway...especially for Kaelyn! We were right...she (and the rest of us) had a BLAST! This was the first time Kaelyn (and Kaden for that matter) had stayed in a motel...so that was pretty special as well.

This past weekend was very busy. First, Scott and I went on our first date since Kaden was born. My parents were kind enough to come up and watch the kids for a couple hours while we went out to eat. It was so nice. I love having my family close enough to do things like this...and the kids just love spending time with Grammy and Grampa!
We also had some professional pics taken this weekend. They were for Kaden's 3 month pics...but we also got a family one and a few of the kids together. Both kids did great! :)

A couple more random pics...

I guess this post should have been titled "Picture Overload" :) I guess that is what happens when I go so long between posts...I'll try to be better about that.:)
so glad to see the family doing well. He sure is getting big, precious little children! :)
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