Thursday, October 29, 2009

Birthday Planning

I am sitting here in front of my computer when I should really be getting things ready for this weekend! My baby is going to be 2...I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by. We're not having a big party, but will be seeing a lot of family over the next few days. We have so much family between the two of us that it's easier to let them come by when they're free rather than planning a big party like we did for her 1st birthday. It should be a lot of fun! I am going to attempt to make my first decorated birthday cake...not sure how that will go but I will try to post pics once it's done.

Baby Update: Yesterday I had an appointment and they told me everything was looking great. I am still measuring 2 weeks ahead and the baby's heart rate was around 148 this time. I am so excited to meet our little one and to find out if Kaelyn will have a baby brother or sister!! Just over 3 weeks's getting close :)

I suppose I better get busy on all that needs to be done today...have a great Thursday everyone!

Friday, October 23, 2009


It's Friday, one of my favorite days of the week! It would be better if Scott was home with us, but on Fridays he usually gets home earlier than that's always nice! I don't know about you, but for us, this week went by really fast! We were gone for a few days at the beginning of the week, dogsitting for my parents. Scott decided to paint Kaelyn's room pink a couple of those days after work....and it looks so cute! Now her room and the baby room are almost completely finished. They look great (pics to come).

Today is Kaelyn's last swimming lesson. After that we're going to Scott's Dad's house to celebrate my birthday. If the weather permits, tomorrow we will be taking Kaelyn to the Pumpkin Patch with his Mom and then Kaelyn is going to have her first sleep over with Grandma Annie. Scott's mom has been wanting to take her some weekend for quite some time, and this weekend worked out for everyone. She'll have such a good time. Scott and I might go out to eat or something, it's been forever since we did that just the two of us! We also will be able to get some of the things done that are still on our "to-do" list. This is the last weekend before the baby is born that we have completely free.

Speaking of the baby...just 4 weeks and 2 days left! I can't believe it is coming so fast. I am SO excited, but know there is a lot to do between now and then. Kaelyn is starting to talk more about the baby these days which makes me think she's starting to understand there's a big change coming. She's going to make a great big sister!

Well...I suppose I better get off the computer and start doing some cleaning around the house. I need to take advantage of every minute Kaelyn is napping. I'll leave you with a cute pic of Kaelyn in her new chair from's just her size. :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

One Year Older...

Isn't it crazy how quickly the time flies?! Today is my 27th birthday and I think each year that passes goes by faster than the last. Having a birthday in the middle of the week makes it a little difficult to do much. That's ok though. I've been too busy nesting and planning for Kaelyn's birthday (in just a couple of weeks my baby will be 2 already) to even think about my own birthday. Scott is always good to make every birthday special though.

We also had fun celebrating with my family this past weekend. We went out to eat and celebrated mine and my twin brother's birthday, as well as to celebrate my sister-in-laws birthday which is just 5 days after ours. It was great getting everyone together and the yummy food and cake were wonderful!

All in all I'd say so far this has been a wonderful 27th birthday.. Being with family is always my idea of a great time! Oh, and the highlight of the day would have to be when Kaelyn started singing "Happy Birthday" to me. :) Melts my heart. She doesn't know the verse "Happy Birthday Dear Mommy", so the whole song was "Happy Birthday to you" and it was absolutely adorable! It's the little things that mean the most!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Little Overwhelmed

So...I get on my blog this morning planning to update you all on Baby Gaskill...and as I begin writing I realize that my little "baby countdown" widget says 39 days left! I am SO excited to meet this little one, but seeing that there's so little time left and so much to has me feeling a bit overwhelmed today! Scott got the baby room painted which was a big job on our to do list to get done...but I still feel like there's much more to prepare before our little one arrives. I'm sure it will all get done...I just need to take it a day at a time. :)

As I mentioned in Monday's post...we were all a bit under the weather with colds. Thankfully we are all feeling much better. The cough is still there, but the rest of the cold symptoms have passed. We're all sleeping well and getting over this nasty little bug!

Baby Update: Yesterday I had my Dr appt. Everything is looking great! The baby is growing wonderfully and I'm measuring a couple weeks ahead. They think this baby will be a little bigger than Kaelyn (who was 7 lbs 9 1/2 oz) so we'll see if they're right. As with most OB was pretty quick and routine...5-10 minutes. I go back in two weeks for my next appt.

Monday, October 12, 2009

A Bit Under The Weather

Is it really Monday already?!? Where do the weekends go? We had plans to get a lot done this weekend, however Scott, myself and Kaelyn have all come down with pretty bad colds...which means some of our plans were put on hold. It's especially been miserable for me, as there's not much you can take for a cold when you're pregnant. Sleep has been almost non-existent at night as well. Thankfully Scott and Kaelyn have been sleeping well and are able to take some meds to help with the symptoms. I'm hoping it passes fun!

Even though we've all been under the weather (speaking of the weather, what is up with this snow??'s falling as I write this), we were able to do some of what we needed to. Friday we started cleaning the house after Kaelyn's swimming lessons. Saturday we ran some errands and wen to my cousins wedding reception. Kaelyn and her cousin Emry got to spend some time together there which was fun!

Sunday we weren't able to make it to church with the colds we all have, so we stayed home and slept in. I made a batch of cookies to freeze for when the baby comes and Scott got the baby room painted (pics to come). Overall it felt like we were pretty productive...I just wish that the weekends wouldn't go by so quickly. I have a feeling this week will be the same way. Wednesday I have a Dr Appt, Thursday is MOPS, and Friday is swimming lessons. Oh well..I suppose it's ok the days are going by just means we're that much closer to meeting our little one! :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Sweet Big Sister

Kaelyn loves talking to her baby brother or sister and feeling him/her move all around in Mommy's tummy! :)

She's going to make such a wonderful big sister! I can't wait...just over 6 weeks to go! YAY!

Monday, October 5, 2009

7 More Weeks!

I cannot believe how quickly this pregnancy has gone! With Kaelyn 40+ weeks seemed to take forever, but not with this one. I cannot believe that I'm just 7 weeks away already...and that next month we will meet the newest addition to our family!! It's such an exciting time, but also has me realizing that if time continues to go this quickly, I have a lot of things to get done between now and then.

I guess you could say I've settled into the "nesting stage" a bit early. I want to make sure I have some baking done so that meals and goodies are ready to take out of the freezer during those hectic first few weeks. There's also the baby room that we still need to get organized and so much more!

In some ways I am hoping that these next 7 weeks go by quickly. I can't wait to meet our son or daughter! On the other hand, I suppose it wouldn't be so bad if the weeks slowed down just a little so we can be sure to get everything ready and organized before his/her arrival! Either way I'm planning to enjoy every minute of the rest of this pregnancy....feeling the baby move, getting things ready for his/her arrival and even the expanding belly that gets harder and harder to fit into most shirts that I own. :)

My twin brother and his wife threw us a baby shower yesterday! We had such a great time getting to see many family and friends. We feel very blessed to have received so many wonderful gifts (it was a diaper and children's book theme...a genius idea thought up by my sister-in-law) and feel even more prepared for the baby's arrival now!

Here's a pic of she and I at the shower....with 7 weeks to go! We're due less than a week apart!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

23 Months Old!

Today Kaelyn turned 23 months old! I can't believe she will be 2 in just a month!! The time has just flown by. It hardly seems possible that in less than two months we will have a 2 year old and a newborn. We feel truly blessed and can't wait!

Here's a pic of our little 23 month old princess! :)