Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Little Overwhelmed

So...I get on my blog this morning planning to update you all on Baby Gaskill...and as I begin writing I realize that my little "baby countdown" widget says 39 days left! I am SO excited to meet this little one, but seeing that there's so little time left and so much to has me feeling a bit overwhelmed today! Scott got the baby room painted which was a big job on our to do list to get done...but I still feel like there's much more to prepare before our little one arrives. I'm sure it will all get done...I just need to take it a day at a time. :)

As I mentioned in Monday's post...we were all a bit under the weather with colds. Thankfully we are all feeling much better. The cough is still there, but the rest of the cold symptoms have passed. We're all sleeping well and getting over this nasty little bug!

Baby Update: Yesterday I had my Dr appt. Everything is looking great! The baby is growing wonderfully and I'm measuring a couple weeks ahead. They think this baby will be a little bigger than Kaelyn (who was 7 lbs 9 1/2 oz) so we'll see if they're right. As with most OB was pretty quick and routine...5-10 minutes. I go back in two weeks for my next appt.