Today is Kaelyn's last swimming lesson. After that we're going to Scott's Dad's house to celebrate my birthday. If the weather permits, tomorrow we will be taking Kaelyn to the Pumpkin Patch with his Mom and then Kaelyn is going to have her first sleep over with Grandma Annie. Scott's mom has been wanting to take her some weekend for quite some time, and this weekend worked out for everyone. She'll have such a good time. Scott and I might go out to eat or something, it's been forever since we did that just the two of us! We also will be able to get some of the things done that are still on our "to-do" list. This is the last weekend before the baby is born that we have completely free.
Speaking of the baby...just 4 weeks and 2 days left! I can't believe it is coming so fast. I am SO excited, but know there is a lot to do between now and then. Kaelyn is starting to talk more about the baby these days which makes me think she's starting to understand there's a big change coming. She's going to make a great big sister!
Well...I suppose I better get off the computer and start doing some cleaning around the house. I need to take advantage of every minute Kaelyn is napping. I'll leave you with a cute pic of Kaelyn in her new chair from's just her size. :)

Happy Birthday - a little late. :)
I hope you a had a nice weekend! We had a kid-free weekend too. I missed Jordyn, but we enjoyed a day/night of just the two of us!
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