Is it really Monday already?!? Where do the weekends go? We had plans to get a lot done this weekend, however Scott, myself and Kaelyn have all come down with pretty bad colds...which means some of our plans were put on hold. It's especially been miserable for me, as there's not much you can take for a cold when you're pregnant. Sleep has been almost non-existent at night as well. Thankfully Scott and Kaelyn have been sleeping well and are able to take some meds to help with the symptoms. I'm hoping it passes fun!
Even though we've all been under the weather (speaking of the weather, what is up with this snow??'s falling as I write this), we were able to do some of what we needed to. Friday we started cleaning the house after Kaelyn's swimming lessons. Saturday we ran some errands and wen to my cousins wedding reception. Kaelyn and her cousin Emry got to spend some time together there which was fun!

Sunday we weren't able to make it to church with the colds we all have, so we stayed home and slept in. I made a batch of cookies to freeze for when the baby comes and Scott got the baby room painted (pics to come). Overall it felt like we were pretty productive...I just wish that the weekends wouldn't go by so quickly. I have a feeling this week will be the same way. Wednesday I have a Dr Appt, Thursday is MOPS, and Friday is swimming lessons. Oh well..I suppose it's ok the days are going by just means we're that much closer to meeting our little one! :)
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