As I've shared in recent posts, over the past few months Kaelyn has started to show signs that she is ready for potty training. Scott and I wanted to take it slow and and let her tell us when she was ready. She often will tell us "potty" just after she goes, or just before. When she does this, we take her to sit on her potty where she'll sometimes go and sometimes won't. Lately though....she's been telling us before she goes a lot...and runs for her potty. Starting this month she would tell us when she had to go and would go almost every time! Then this week... she's been going EVERY time she tells us she needs to and we've had less and less wet diapers. We're still taking it slow, but I feel are making a lot of progress. Today she has gone in the potty every time so wet diapers!! She goes over to the potty by herself, goes, then gets up and says "look" so proudly and of course after that says "mm" (m & m) which is what she gets when she goes! I'm so proud of her for letting us know that she's ready and really trying at this!! We haven't had to do much but encourage's come so naturally to her which is nice too. It would be nice to have her out of diapers and trained by the time the baby gets here in November....let's hope so!! That would be GREAT!
As always, Kaelyn has been talking up a storm....saying new words and sentences that have Scott and I looking at eachother wondering where she learned that. Like the other day when I walked out the room she said "Mama where going? Wait!" Or yesterday when she said "I don't know" and "cute" :). It's just fun to see her learning every day! It's nice because between her signing and her multitude of words we know exactly what she needs/wants and she knows what we're saying too. The Baby Signing Time was the best thing we ever did. Introducing that to Kaelyn at 3 months old significantly increased her vocabulary and I believe helped to encourage her to start talking earlier. It's definitely something we will do with our next baby as well!
I can't believe I'm saying this (it doesn't seem possible)...but in just a matter of days my baby will be 20 months old already! Where has the time gone?!? She's such a joy and makes us smile each and every day! Like last night as I was standing by the stove making supper, she walked over, stood there by my legs and gave me a hug...then pushed up my shirt a little and kissed my belly as she said "baby"....what a sweetie...makes my heart melt! Children are such a blessing!
This week we got Kaelyn's new bedding for her "big girl bed" and also the bed rails. We are planning on setting up her new room this weekend and hopefully start the transition to a big girl bed. She's been a fantastic sleeper since the day she was born, so we're thinking that it will go fairly smoothly. We were hoping to be in a new house by the time we made the transition...oh well. We've decided that we'll move her to the other bedroom we have on the main level and will keep the nursery set up for when the baby arrives. If we move before then, then I guess we move...but we want to plan as though we'll be here just in case. So will be a big change for her. I'll keep you all posted on how it goes.....