In other Gaskill news....I had my 4 month dr appointment on Wednesday. It was just a quick routine checkup to listen to the baby's heartrate which is always fun! Next time, in 4 weeks, we get to see our little one on ultrasound. If we were going to find out the sex of the baby we would find out at that time....however, I think we've decided that we want to be surprised again like we were with Kaelyn. It will still be great to see him/her again though...ultrasounds are always my favorite appointments! I can't believe that that appointment will also mark the midway point of my pregnancy! I can't tell you how much faster this pregnancy is going. It hardly seems possible that we're almost to 20 weeks already! I feel like November will be here before we know it. YEAH!
Other than that we're still in the process of looking for a house and selling ours. We've had some very interested people walk through...so our hope and prayer is that it will still be some time this summer. God knows the best timing...so we're just trying to be patient and know that everything will work out perfectly.
Kaelyn and I are still anxiously awaiting for the temps to warm up a bit so we can start spending more time outdoors. It's the middle of June already and doesn't feel like it at all. We still enjoy having a ice pop once in a while though...even though it's still not the warmest out...Kaelyn sure loves them. :)

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