This was Kaden's first Christmas which was pretty special. Many of our relatives had not met him yet, so that was fun. This was also the first Christmas that Kaelyn really got into opening gifts. The excitement on her face as she opened each one was priceless! She woke up yesterday morning and said "I'm happy. Time to open presents, Santa's here". We had to explain to her that "Santa" already came and would not be back until next year. I'm glad she enjoyed the holiday so much though, that she's still talking about it. :) She and Kaden both received many wonderful gifts. Here are several pics from our time spent with family.
Going outside to play in the snow at Grammy and Grampa's
Kaelyn and Emry with their brothers (Kaden and Israel)
Israel and Kaden (cousins just 12 days apart in age)
My Family
My parents with the kids
Emry and Kaelyn waiting to open gifts
She was so excited!

Gift from Uncle Jake
She was thrilled about her new Minnie Mouse underwear :)

Our Blessings
Our Family
She loves anything and everything to do with this stroller was a HUGE hit!

One happy girl

Daddy's little Vikings Fan

One last picture. For those who know me, and/or follow this blog, you know that my twin brother and his wife have two sons....Emry who is 12 days younger than Kaelyn and Israel who is 12 days younger than Kaden. They were all born around the same time of I thought this comparison of pictures was kind of fun. This is Emry and Kaelyn at Christmas 2007 and Israel and Kaden at Christmas this year.

Tomorrow we will be ringing in the new year with my parents and brother. They are coming up to stay and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm sure we'll eat lots of yummy food and play some really fun games! Speaking of which, a little side note game I received for Christmas was Marble Pursuit. It's a super fun game we've played as a family for a few years now at family get-togethers and now I have my very own board. I can't wait to play it tomorrow. If you've never heard of it, or are looking for a fun family game, you can check it out here. 2009 comes to an end and I reflect on it...I have to say the one word that comes to mind is blessed. I feel incredibly blessed and have so much to be thankful for. This time last year we did not know that we would be adding a fourth member to our family. That in itself has made our year truly amazing. Kaden is so wonderful. He's such a sweet little guy and we feel so lucky to have been chosen as his parents. Kaelyn is our little sweetie and to have her as our daughter is pure joy! We look forward to 2010 and all that the Lord has for us.
I doubt I will be back to post before the New to all who read here, I want to wish you a very Happy New Year!
Kaden and Kaelyn look exactly alike in their Christmas comparison pics!
He is getting so big! Lauren must have been a slow grower because she was 11 lbs at her two month appt. Glad to hear that things are going well as a family of 4!
Wow they look so much alike!
These pics are absolutely adorable! Hunter got a pair of undies from Santa too this year. haha There just the cutest things!
Glad ya'll had a great holiday!
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