Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sometimes Things Don't Go...

...quite as we plan for them to. Scott left on Thursday morning on a snowmobiling/business trip and Kaelyn and I had plans to go back and visit my parents a couple of days while he was gone. Wednesday evening we noticed Kaelyn acting really quiet and sleepy (a combination she doesn't show much...unless she's sick). Sure enough, after taking her temperature we realized she had a 101 temperature.

The next day she seemed ok, so we decided that we'd keep our plans and visit my parents. Thursday and Friday she did great and her fever subsided (we had a great time as always...Kaelyn loves her Grammy and Grampa!). I figured it was just related to teething. Unfortunately, I now realize that it was, and is probably the flu. :( Yesterday morning she started throwing up and has continued off and on ever since. She's taking in fluids, but slowly...otherwise she won't keep it down. She's hungry, but we can't feed her much as she won't keep that down either. We decided to head back home once I realized she was sick...not only because of that, but also because of the freezing rain forecast for yesterday and today. Iowa and Minnesota weather is SOOO unpredictable!

Kaelyn and I are both exhausted today and ready for Daddy to get home this afternoon. She is doing about the same today...cuddling and sleeping a lot.

We're praying, and thanking the Lord for healing over her little body and a fast recovery.