What a fun and busy weekend we had!! The Freeborn County Fair was going on last week...so Friday night we decided to take Kaelyn and see all the animals. She enjoyed it last year, but this even more!!! She was even big enough to go on a couple of pony rides (she talked Scott's Mom and Aunt into it :)) and had a blast...I think that was her favorite part of the entire fair!! It was so fun to see her interacting with the animals and loving it so much...it's really the little things in life that are so wonderful!

Friday night we decided last minute that we'd like to take Kaelyn up to Como Zoo before the weather gets too cool. Little did we know we would be picking one of the most humid and hot days of the entire summer! It turned out great though and we all had a great time...my brother Jake even got to come which was a lot of fun! We took Kaelyn to the Zoo last summer too...but again, just like with the fair, she enjoyed it even more this time! She LOVED seeing all the animals...especially the monkies...that is all she talks about now. :) Her sad little face shows how much she would miss the animals...this was taken of her as we were leaving the Zoo.
Daddy and Kaelyn

Kaelyn and Mommy

Uncle Jake and Kaelyn

Sad to leave the zoo

Sunday we went to visit my Grammy who's in the hospital. We met up with my parents for lunch and then went and visited her for a while. It was nice to see her doing well after her knee surgery, and am so happy that she gets to go home today!!
Although a long weekend, it was full of fun and I couldn't have asked for anything better! Now we're here on a Monday, pretty tired but loving every minute of it! Scott and I are busy planning for a Garage Sale we're having this weekend and I'm so thankful my parents will be here to help out with that as well...should be fun!
Baby Gaskill is doing great! I'm beginning to think he/she is going to be a soccer player with all the moving around and kicking that's been going on ;)....I love it though...feeling the baby move and watching as my belly shifts from one side to another is one of my favorite parts of pregnancy. I am anxious to meet our little one and can't believe he/she will be here in just 15 weeks! It sounds like a long time...but I know the time will go by so quickly!!
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