Well...as many of you probably already know from Facebook, we're expecting our SECOND baby!! :) We are SO thrilled about it. I had considered sharing the news a while back as we found out almost three months ago...wow is it hard to keep a secret that long :)....but then I thought it would be fun to tell everyone once we had ultrasound pics to share. I have to tell you that seeing our little baby on that screen was so exciting!! He/She was moving all around and looked so cute "waving" to us. Everything looked great. He/She is healthy and growing just as they should be. :) Now I just can't believe that in 6 months we will have our little baby here with us. The time is flying by much more quickly with this pregnancy. With kaelyn I didn't have a little toddler to run after and keep me busy so all of my time and energy was spent thinking about, and reading about my pregnancy. Now however, I am a bit more busy :) and don't have a lot of time to think about it. It's a good thing actually...as it's always nice to have the pregnancy go by smoothly and quickly!
Strong Heartrate...171 bpm! :)

Kaelyn is pretty excited too! She doesn't quite understand all that's going on....but she does know that there's a baby in Mommy's tummy....as she's always kissing it and says "baby". :) She walks around the house signing baby and is loving it! I hope she enjoys being a big sister once the baby is here....as I know she'll be a great one! The timing will be perfect...Kaelyn will have just turned two...so a nice space between the two kids.
This is the shirt

we got for Kaelyn to tell our parents the good news! We just let her walk in to the room where our parents were a few months ago and "surprise"! :) They were all floored and so excited! Just a few days before we decided to share our exciting news....my parents received a phone call from my twin brother and his wife in Texas. They called with the news that they are expecting too!! So exciting! For anyone that doesn't know the story of my brother and I...let me explain...we're twins...so we obviously shared a lot of big moments in our lives together! We share the same birthday every year (obviously :)), high school graduation, college graduation (even went to the same college), weddings (well we didn't share them, but Josh and Di's wedding was just 8 days after ours so it was such an exciting and fun time :)), then the birth of our first children. I remember receiving the call from them a couple of years ago....letting us know they were expecting their first baby. We were so excited for them, and the great thing was....we were expecting too (with Kaelyn). We were just about to call them at that same time and share our news with them. It was so funny how our lives seemed to be taking the same course....and our parents just loved it! Two Grandbabies at once...who would have thought?!! The funny thing is...they weren't just going to be around the same age...they were due just one day apart. :) It turns out that they were more like 13 days apart after all was said and done...but still, pretty neat! Now this time...we thought that there was no way that would happen again...I mean, what are the chances?! Well...we were wrong. When Josh and Di called my parents to tell them their exciting news this time, we also knew that we were pregnant already and just hadn't shared the news yet. Everyone joked about "now Scott and Jenna...do you have some news for us"...but they didn't actually think we did. So, when we finally told them that we too were expecting it was pure joy! Now my parents would be grandparents twice again! Our babies are due just 3 days apart this time, so we'll have to see what happens. :) The kids will have so much fun growing up together and having cousins their own age.

It's been a very exciting time for us and one I couldn't be more happy about. We're thrilled about our growing family and these children the Lord has given to us and entrusted us with. Children are such a blessing! :)
So yeah...that's our exciting news that I was holding off until after the ultrasound! (we were actually waiting until after the ultrasound just to make sure we knew how many there were...one or two....as you never know with twins in my family since they run so strongly). We'll keep you posted about the pregnancy and how everything is going over the next 6 months....should be a fun journey!
Thank you everyone for all of the congrats on Facebook!!
It's seriously so amazing that you guys have kids so close in age and are again going to have kids so close in age! :) So excited for all of you!!!
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