Sunday, May 17, 2009

Our Weekend: The Good and The Not So Good

The Good: Yesterday we ventured up to the cities with my parents for the Just Between Friends Consignment Sale. We go to this sale every Fall and Spring and end up coming home with bags and bags of clothes for Kaelyn. I LOVE it! You can't get much better than brand name, good quality clothes for less than $2.00 for a whole outfit!! She is more than set for this summer and the beginning of Fall now. What a great feeling! I always love finding great deals on cute clothes for her. If those of you with small children have never checked out Just Between Friends, you may want to take a look at their website, and see if they have a sale near you (they have sales all over the US every Fall and Spring).

The Not So Good: On another note....Kaelyn woke up this morning with a fever of over 102. It's had her feeling pretty yucky and tired much of the day. Besides the short time that Tylenol or Motrin is working to keep her fever down....she's wanting to cuddle or sleep on Mommy and Daddy. She is not much of a cuddler, so when she does it's great....we just wish it was under different circumstances. :( It's no fun having a little one that doesn't feel good who can't tell you where it hurts. So far it just seems to be the fever that's bothering her and maybe her teeth. Hopefully by tomorrow she'll be as good as new.

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!