Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Bittersweet Week So Far

Today I had my Dr Appt and everything is looking great....just one more appt. and then we'll get to meet our little one (unless he/she decides to arrive early).:)

On a more sad note....my Grandma (Dad's Mom) passed away yesterday. She had Alzheimer's for the past 8 years or so....so her quality of life was taken from her long before now. My Grandpa passed away in 2006 and that is when she went into nursing home care. I'm saddened that she is no longer here with us, but am SO thankful for her Faith in the Lord and know that she is much happier and finally free of this disease which took the last 8+ years of her life away, as well as the fact that she is now with my Grandpa once again. I will be sure to share the memories I have of her with our children and can only hope they grow to learn how wonderful she and my Grandpa both were and what a profound impact their Faith had on us and our entire family.

My family is currently in the process of planning funeral arrangements. Between that and our nephews birthday this weekend, I am unsure when I will update my blog again. Will keep you posted on Baby Gaskill :)....


Justin and Jessica said...

I am so sorry to hear about your grandma. I'll pray for peace and comfort for your family.

I can't wait to hear more news on Baby Gaskill! :)

kristie schaul said...

I just checked your blog. I'm was sorry to read about your grandma, but was comforted by yours words that you and your family are doing well!
We think about you lots and again, can't wait to hear news of baby boy or girl Gaskill! Tell Scott and Kaelyn we say hello!!