Wow...the past several days have been a whirlwind and very busy for us. Thursday we had my Grandma's visitation and Friday we had the funeral. It was a sad time, but also one of celebration as we reminisced about her life and the memories we have to cherish. It was great to see many family members and friends as well. Saturday our nephew Emry turned 2! He and Kaelyn had so much fun playing around at his Circus Themed Birthday Party! It was a blast and I'm so happy we were able to be there to help him celebrate. (I'll post more pics soon)

Yesterday, Scott, my dad and my brothers all went to the Vikings game. They had a great time, while us girls were home and able to relax some. After such a busy few days, it was nice to have a day like that.
Today marks the one week countdown until we meet the newest addition to our family...can you believe it?!'s so exciting! :) We're really looking forward to meeting our little one. The fact that it's only 7 days away though, means I still have some things I need to do. I'm not sure how good I will be about posting this week as I need to make sure everything is ready for his/her arrival. I will be sure to update you soon though on the arrival of our little one. :)
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