I'm a little sad that she's already two. My little girl is getting so big...speaking to us in full sentences, having us wondering half the time where she has learned to communicate the way she does at such a young age. She's also becoming more independent and amazes us each and every day. I feel so blessed to be her mom...I couldn't ask for a sweeter little girl. Although it's a little sad to see her getting so big, we also know that exciting things are to come. Each stage offers many new and exciting things, and soon that will be our family becoming a family of four. I cannot wait to see Kaelyn as a big sister, as I know she will be the most helpful and loving there is.
We had some great times with family so far to help celebrate Kaelyn's big day! Friday we spent the evening with Scott's family...having cupcakes, opening gifts and visiting. Saturday my family was over. We had cake (the first cake I've ever decorated...Scott helped a lot too), opened gifts and that night Kaelyn and her cousin Emry got to go trick or treating together. Sunday we spent the day at home and had a few other family members stop by throughout the day. It was a very special weekend for Kaelyn and I couldn't be happier about that.
The Cake :)

As I was reminiscing about our little girl and how much she's grown, I came across several pictures throughout the past two years that I thought I'd share....
4 days old

She is so cute!! That is a great cake too!
Aww!! Jenna and Scott what a beautiful little sweet girl you have! She is so very blessed to have 2 wonderful parents raising her!
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