Today we went to church, came home and after Kaelyn's nap...took her out to swim in her pool for a while. She loves to be in the water so this is something she really enjoyed. What she loved most was when Scott put her climber slide in the pool! It's so great to see such a big smile on her face all the time!! I just love it! :)

Potty Training: Well...we are officially saying Kaelyn is potty trained now! She is only wearing diapers when she sleeps (nap and bedtime), but other than that she is wearing little girl underwear all the time. We could have probably said she was potty trained a couple weeks ago, but weren't brave enough to take her out and about without a diaper on. This week we finally decided we had to...and whenever we went somewhere (including church today), we had her in underwear. She is SO good to tell us when she has to go and loves to go on the big potties in stores, etc. I'm glad she caught on to this whole potty thing so fast....we only started training about 4 weeks ago...so we're thrilled! She always wakes up dry from nap and 9 times out of 10 wakes up dry in the morning. We're happy that she is now potty trained well before the baby arrives.
The Pregnancy: Everything is going well! I'm feeling great and couldn't be enjoying pregnancy more. The second half of this second trimester has been so much better for me. I am enjoying it while I can...as I remember the discomfort of getting even bigger in the third trimester!! We are now 22 weeks and can't believe how fast the time is going! Here is the 22 week belly pic....:)

Yay for potty training early! Good job!!! Half of my two year olds at daycare aren't even potty trained yet! :)
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