Kaelyn's first day/night in her big girl bed went GREAT! I wasn't going to start her in the bed until next week...but ever since we set it up...she's been showing so much interest that I decided we'd try. Naptime started out a little rough...she just wasn't too sure about it. She ended up going to sleep though and had the biggest smile when she woke up! She was SO proud to have slept in her big bed. Last night I thought it might be a little rough again, but she did amazing! We laid her down at 8:30 like we always do and didn't hear from her til almost 8 this morning!! She slept so well...and once again was SO happy to be waking up in her big bed. Whenever we walk in to get her...she always says...."sit" and pats the bed beside her. She just loves it! :) I'm so glad. This was a big transition that I was wondering how it would go.
Scott's sister Tami is in town for the week. She lives in Virginia and hasn't seen Kaelyn since she was just a few weeks old (besides last week when she saw her when she got into town). She was really wanting some bonding time with Kaelyn...so, she's going to babysit while Scott and I go see a movie! Another date!! This is great. :) Kaelyn will really enjoy it...she just loves spending time with her Aunts.
Aunt Tami with Kaelyn just a few weeks old

Aunt Tami with Kaelyn last week!

Since we'll be gone tonight, that means today and tomorrow I need to spend doing a little packing. We're headed to Cedar Falls for the weekend to spend the 4th of July with my family and to help my brother and his family move! It should be a really fun weekend. I'm looking forward to it. I always enjoy visiting Cedar Falls and of course seeing family!!
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