Thursday, September 17, 2009

9 1/2 Weeks Left!!!

I cannot tell you how happy I am that we're less than 10 weeks away from meeting our little one! I just had my 30 week appointment yesterday and everything is going great! I'm measuring about 1 1/2 weeks ahead and the baby's heart rate was great!! It feels great to be in the third trimester now and know that we have just a short time left. I know 9 weeks sounds like a lot...but I have a feeling it will go very quickly!

I am beginning to 'nest' much earlier with this pregnancy. With Kaelyn I think it started around 36 weeks or so...with this one it's already been going on for a good week! I just want to make sure everything is ready and perfect for our new bundle of joy. That means cleaning like crazy, getting all of the things we still need for him/her, etc. I'm even starting to make a list of the foods that I can make early and freeze so we have plenty of food to eat in those first busy few weeks. Thankfully we will have my parents here to help out the first week too!

Lately when I am out in public, I have people asking me how far along I am and if I'm having a boy. They must think this baby bump is resembling that of a "boy pregnancy" or something?!? Scott and I have fun guessing, but obviously have no clue what we're having. This pregnancy has been different than Kaelyn's in some ways, but there have also been many similarities, so who knows?! Guess we'll find out soon enough. What a wonderful surprise that will be! :)

Other than that, life has just been busy as usual. Scott is entering a busier time with work and I have now started going to my Dr appts every two weeks. I start MOPS tonight, and tomorrow Kaelyn and Scott start swimming lessons for Kaelyn! She is SO excited and is always talking about how she gets to go "swimming in the pool with Daddy" tomorrow! When we're not running here and there, Kaelyn keeps us busy running at home. :) She's so much fun! Her vocabulary amazes us every day as well. She is using full sentences to tell us what she needs/wants.

Well...that's about all for now....I'll try to post pics of swimming lessons soon. :)