What a week this has started out to be! Monday afternoon Kaelyn became very clingy and whiney (which is not like her AT ALL). She said her tummy hurt and by 4 in the afternoon the poor thing was throwing up. :( This went in the remainder of the evening and into the night until 12 am. Yesterday she woke up in a good mood, but still said her tummy hurt. She was very sleepy and just under the weather...not herself at all. She rested lots and I made she got lots of fluids...and some food (not much though). Thankfully by last night she seemed to be back to herself...playing and running all over the place. We're not quite sure what she had, but it must have just been a 24 hour bug. Scott and I are blessed to have not caught whatever it was and are still feeling great. I'm so glad Kaelyn is feeling better...it's no fun to see your little one not feeling well. This time was much different than times in the past when she got sick, because she could actually tell me with her words what was hurting and how she was feeling. That helped a TON! She also knew that if she felt she was going to get sick, that she needed to "cough" into the bowl next to her...and she did! She's such a good girl. :)
That has pretty much been our week so far. The rest of the week will be spent doing housework, baking and getting ready for my parents and brother and his family to come visit for the weekend! We're very excited to have everyone coming...Kaelyn will LOVE it too! My brother and his wife (Josh and Di), and Scott and I are planning on going to the consignment sale we go to every season (Just Between Friends) in the cities. I can't wait, as we always find such great deals on clothes for Kaelyn! While we're there, Kaelyn and her cousin Emry will be enjoying some time spent with Grammy and Grampa. They'll have a wonderful time I'm sure!
What a sweet little girl. So glad that she is feeling better! It has to be a little bit of a better feeling that she could tell you what hurts. I always feel so bad when Jordyn is sick, but I don't know what is wrong.
Hope you're continuing to feel well! :)
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