Well, it's Monday afternoon (almost evening) and Scott is still outside touching up the paint on the house.
I wish I was able to help him. Everyone's help this weekend is SOOO appreciated! It was a big job and took much longer than we expected. Thankfully between our parents and Scott's sister he had much of the help he needed to get things done. Today he's just been finishing up some odds and ends places. Kaelyn and I haven't been outside a whole lot, except to go on our daily walk together...but when we are it's been fun to see the progress being made. This fresh coat of paint has made such a difference...it's like a whole other house now! I love it! Soon I will try to post before and after pics. :)
The sad thing about it being Monday afternoon already means that Scott goes back to work tomorrow. We always miss him when he's gone. At least it's a short week though, and it doesn't sound like his schedule is as busy as it was last week. Hopefully he'll have lots of time at home to get rested from this very busy and long weekend!
I don't have much news to share other than that quick update. I will leave you with a very smiley pic of Kaelyn though...I just love it! She makes every day so wonderful!!
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