Thursday, January 15, 2009

Getting the Hang of.....

...this walking thing!! Just before Christmas, Kaelyn began walking some. She was a bit wobbly, but it was the first time she had taken more than just a few steps. Her confidence suddenly increased, and she was able to walk from one end of the room to the other. Unfortunately with the flu/cold combination that she got over the holidays, the walking thing was somewhat halted. Now though, a couple of weeks later she's back at it and better than ever. She's walking all over the place!! Slowly she's learning to stand from a seated position which has helped in her walking progression as well. Hopefully I will get her on video walking around very soon!

With each and every new stage Kaelyn goes through, Scott and I couldn't be more proud of her. I remember when she was just little and her cooing had us ooing and awwing :). Now our little girl is becoming more independent, saying new words and walking. I'm sure before we know it she'll be running around!!

Where does the time go?!?