Sunday, January 11, 2009

Our Family is Growing...

...with pets that is. ;) Scott and I do not have any pets, however my parents and siblings do. Mom and Dad have had Zoe for about 7 years now and she's a wonderful dog!! She's a sweet Bichon whose cuddly and very well trained. We enjoy dogsitting her when my parents are away. Kaelyn likes it she and Zoe get along so well. Zoe is her "Pukitty" as Kaelyn would say. :)


Then, a few months ago my little brother got a kitty. He lives on his own and Mylie has been a great addition to his household. She is very sweet and is wonderful company. I had never had much experience with cats before, but from the little time that we've gotten to see her and spend time with her she seems well behaved and quiet. She loves Jake and loves to cuddle him whenever she gets the chance! :) Kaelyn really likes Mylie too! She her "kitty, kitty, kitty".


My twin brother and his wife have been wanting a dog for quite some time. They live in an apartment though, and had to get approval before getting one. Once they got the "ok" they did some searching and found the perfect match for their family....Wall.e! He is an adorable cocker spaniel and sounds like a sweetheart. (we haven't met him yet, but hopefully sometime soon we'll be able to!) Our little nephew, Emry, loves to play with him and give him lots of hugs and kisses.

It's fun to have new "additions" to our family. I don't think Scott and I will be getting a pet anytime soon, but it's fun to see the pets our family members have from time to time. :)