Thursday, January 22, 2009

You Never Know...

...until you try. Every time we have gone out to eat since Kaelyn was very young...she has always enjoyed playing with the straws....or so I thought. I realized this weekend though, as we were out to eat with my brother Jake, that maybe it wasn't so much that she liked to play with them as it was that she was trying to be like Mommy and Daddy and actually use it like a big girl?! Hmmm.... Today my curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to get out some fun colored straws that we had to see how she'd react to using one with a cup.

To my surprise, the moment the straw was in her mouth, she began sucking and using it correctly! Wow!! I guess you never know until try something. I had NO idea she could use a straw. This would have come in handy so many times when we were out to eat in the past. I thought she'd begin to chew on it, or suck and get way too much in her mouth. Neither of those things happened though and I was pleasantly surprised. :)

Anyone who is a parent can relate to getting excited, even with the little things. Although small...Kaelyn using a straw made me so happy and proud of her! I could tell she felt like such a big girl too. It was so cute!