I'm finally back!! The beginning of 2009 has been an interesting one for us, dealing with the stomach flu and now colds for Kaelyn and I. Poor girl...as if it wasn't bad enough that she got the stomach flu...she is now dealing with a sore throat, runny nose...and not to mention four molars that are all coming in at the same time. Needless to say she has not quite been herself the past week or so and has been very cuddly. Anyone who knows Kaelyn, knows that this is very much unlike her...as she is quite active and hardly sits most of the time. :) Slowly we're seeing signs that she's beginning to feel better and can't wait until all of this is behind us so we can start our year off right!!
As I mentioned before...although we did deal with some of us not feeling so well...we thoroughly enjoyed the holidays and the time we were able to spend with family. After spending the day on Friday (the 26th), cleaning and preparing for Josh, Di and Emry to visit.....we got to spend the evening with them catching up and taking lots of pictures of the kids as they played together and took their first bath together. It was so fun to watch them interact....I have a feeling they will grow up being very close cousins!!
Playing in Kaelyn's Playroom
Cousinly Love :)
Hanging Out
Playing Wii
Saturday was a fun, but busy day...celebrating Christmas with my Mom's side of the family as well as Scott's Mom's side of the family. It was great to see everyone, eat lots of yummy food and most importantly celebrate the true meaning of Christmas with loved ones! I was sad to have such a fun day go by so quickly, but we still had a Christmas on Sunday to look forward to as well.
More Playtime at the Kruger Cmas....

Smiley Little Girl :)
Opening gifts from Aunt Sandy and Uncle John
The Kruger Clan
My Family
Opening presents from Aunt Stacie at the Reed Cmas
Opening a piggy bank and book from Great Gr and Gr Reed

Sunday we made the trip back to FC for my family Christmas with my parents and siblings. It was a fun day spent together....something that doesn't happen nearly often enough with all of us living so far apart from one another. I'm thankful though, for the chance we had to get together, play games and have fun!!
Grampa reading the kids the Christmas Story
Time to open gifts...
Unfortunately Sunday night is when we began to come down with the flu and not feeling well. First me, then Kaelyn, Emry, Jake, Scott and my Mom. We ended up staying at my parents and spending quite a few days there. Although many of us were not feeling well...it was still a lot of fun to see each other and spend time with Di, Josh and Emry who only are able to visit a couple of times a year.
I can't wait until they move closer from Texas!! Playing in Grammy and Grampa's Playroom

Watching the Wiggles
Me and Emry
All in all we had a wonderful Christmas and New Years! It was definitely memorable and one we documented with plenty of pictures and video as always.
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