With the cold and unpredictable weather of winter, Kaelyn and I are inside the house more than we are out.
I guess that's the harsh reality of Minnesota winters. That's why I always enjoy any chance we get to venture out and do something fun. Today was one of those days. I had a Dentist appointment....not necessarily my idea of a "fun" day, but Kaelyn and I did get to go visit my mom for a while which was great. She has most Wednesday's off...so I dropped Kaelyn off while I was at my appointment so she could watch her. It sounds like they had a lot of fun together. After my appointment we got lunch and hung out a while Kaelyn napped. We always have such a nice time visiting my parents....I wish we could do it more often.
The day went by far too quickly though...and we headed home before it got dark (it gets dark WAY too early these days). It's nice to be home out of the cold and it was great to have a fun day outside of the house for a change. Kaelyn sure enjoyed it and so did I!
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