Denise, Kaelyn and Grandpa
Later in the afternoon, we headed to Scott's Mom's where we had a fantastic supper and got to spend the evening there. What a nice time it was for us all to get together. Kaelyn enjoyed talking away with Grandma Annie and Grandpa Dave, and showing off her new walking skills. :) She had gifts to open there as well, which was a lot of fun!It was a wonderful day and one that I wish had not gone by so quickly. With the busyness of life we don't got nearly enough time to get out and spend enough time with family. I'm glad over the holidays that we have, and have plans to spend time with everybody. It's a great time of fellowship and one Kaelyn and I enjoy immensely, as we do not get out as much anymore now that the weather is so cold.
Today I am cleaning the house and getting ready for Josh, Di, Emry and Jake to come and visit for the night. It will be so much fun getting our little ones together...as it's been quite some time. I am really looking forward to it...I'm sure there will be plenty of pictures to come ;).