Saturday, December 13, 2008

Our New Hang Out Spot

Growing up I remember having a great playroom to play in. It had all of our toys and was a place we could play for hours. Knowing how much I appreciated a kid friendly environment like this, I decided it was something I wanted for our kids too! When Kaelyn was first born our basement was not finished, and many of her toys were in our upstairs family room where we spent much of our time. As she got older though, her toys multiplied, leaving us no other option but to finish her playroom downstairs to keep all of her things and give her a more fun place to play.

Last summer Scott began working hard and with the help of our Dad's he finished the bedroom, family room and playroom down there in August !

Finished Family Room

Finished Playroom

Finished Bedroom

It's a wonderful place to spend time, and Kaelyn sure has enjoyed her new play place. Over the last few months I've worked on getting things organized down there so it's as easy for her to access all of her things as possible. With the shelves up and filled that we bought last weekend I finally feel like the playroom is complete and a great place to house her toys and for her to play. Its fun to see her enjoying this space Daddy has created and all of the toys she's already accumulated at the young age of 1! :) We still keep toys in other parts of the house, but this is becoming the new "hang out spot" for the Gaskill's lately!