...Wii!! For a few months now Scott and I have talked about getting a Nintendo Wii. The more we played it with friends and family, the more interested we became. Yesterday, my parents came up to visit and bought a Wii of their own. We played it for a few hours at least and by the end of the day you could say we were more than sold on buying one!! It was just so much fun!! They are going fast with Christmas around the corner, but Scott called around and found us one at a great price. We not only got it because it's a lot of fun and something we can do together, but also because waking up sore this morning and feeling like I did an extensive workout, tells us both that it's great exercise as well. I know some people who play don't move around much, but when you choose to really get into the game you're playing it can be a great way to exercise. There have actually been people to lose weight when implementing better eating habits and daily Wii activity that I've heard of. I'm very excited to keep playing for the fun of it and for the healthy aspect it will bring to our lives. Of course I am also looking forward to getting better at each of the games too! Who wouldn't like to have fun while exercising?? I know I do!!
I think it will also be a fun thing to do over the holidays with all of our family around. Many pictures to come I'm sure!! :)
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