Lately she's been talking a lot, as I mentioned in a previous post.....but has also been progressing in her large motor development more and more as well. We're seeing her take such huge strides when it comes to things like walking and climbing. She's been taking a few steps here and there for over a month now...but just this week we're noticing that she has a desire to walk more than she does crawl and is taking many more steps. She is starting to become an "official walker" (walking more often than not and taking between 10 and 15 steps at a time) and it's adorable to watch. :)
She's also become quite the little climber. She's been climbing on couches and boxes over the past couple of months...but more recently has really gotten good at climbing up stairs. As we follow her up the stairs she scurries up them quite quickly!!! We were pretty impressed the other she actually stopped and began slithering down the steps.
Each day she learns something new and I'm so thankful to be with her each day and be able to witness it. What a blessing that has been!!!
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