For quite some time now I've been wanting to get Kaelyn a small chair that she could sit in. She sits very well up on the couch, and can even get down on her own...however being able to get up on the couch by herself is another story. It's far too tall yet...so a child sized chair is the perfect solution. The plan is to get one soon...but until then my parents were kind enough to let us borrow their Little Tikes Rocking chair. The last couple of times we've been down to visit them, this is one of the things Kaelyn can't get enough of. We have it sitting in our family room and she sits in it every single day! She climbs up in it with her short little legs and will sit cross legged there for so long. She's even figured out that if she scoots forward and puts one foot on the floor that she can rock herself back and forth. It's the cutest thing there is!! :) She smiles from ear to ear and has this look of accomplishment as if to say "Hey Mom, Hey Dad...I did it! Look at me!"

Ooohhh....the joys of childhood! :) Isn't it fun to observe the little things that make kids so happy?! I've really been enjoying it!
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