Video taken a while back, showing Kaelyn taking a couple of steps.
She's been showing a greater interest in standing on her own as well. Lately when we have on music she'll let go of whatever she's standing next to and will begin clapping her hands together, bobbing her head, and moving her knees. It's adorable. Isn't it neat how it's natural for us to just want to move to music...even as a baby?! We love to watch her do this. She's becoming such a big girl! Last night she even stood up from the floor which was the first time that had happened. She was sitting by Scott and all of a sudden got up on her feet and pushed up to a standing position. She stood there for the longest time as she watched the Wiggles on TV...then sat back down.
It's been such a pleasure being able to stay at home with her this first year! I've enjoyed every minute and love getting to see her do new things! I can't wait to see what the next year brings.
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