Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sleeping Baby

When Kaelyn was just a newborn, like many babies, she used to fall asleep wherever she her carseat, stroller, people's arms, the was so cute! As she got a little bit older though, she continued to be a GREAT sleeper, but preferred to be in her bed more than anywhere else. This is great as that's where we want her to sleep, but it did cause us to gradually lose opportunities to get pictures of our little angel sleeping....unless we snuck into her room. :)

Recently I have gotten a couple of pics of her sleeping in her highchair, but it had been a long while since she fell asleep in anyone's arms. That's why you could say we were a bit surprised when she fell asleep right in her Daddy's lap last night, while drinking her milk before bed. It was too cute...and you can tell Daddy thought it was the best!! Seeing how it had been a while since she last fell asleep anywhere but her highchair or bed...we thought this was a picture perfect moment. Sounds small....but it was so sweet to us!! Oh the little things that make us smile! :)

It got me wondering what other sleeping pictures we have of Kaelyn, and I found a few others taken over the past year that I thought I would share. It's so fun to look back and see how much she has changed.

3 days old

2 months old

3 months old

6 months old

8 months old

10 months old

12 months old


Sandy said...

Awww, sweet baby.