We sure had an eventful day today! Fun, but busy. This afternoon we had Kaelyn's One year pictures taken. Since we hadn't gotten any professional family pictures taken since she was born...we also had a few taken at the same time. That meant Scott and I had to get ready as well. Thankfully my dad was kind enough to leave work a little early and watch Kaelyn while we got ready to go. He then kept an eye on her as we stayed after to pick out pictures as well. Keeping Kaelyn occupied helped to ensure that Scott was available to help me make decisions on which ones we would order. It took quite a while, but overall it went fairly smoothly. They had a new offer this time as well. With some of their packages, you get a CD with all the pictures.. This gives us unlimited rights to print and reproduce the pictures allowing us to do as we wish with them...print them off, put them online, etc. We obviously couldn't pass up this great deal!!
Here are a few of the many we had taken....
After pictures it was well passed supper time. We came home, ate...and then left again for me to get my annual haircut. Okay, okay...not an annual haircut...but it's definitely one of very few that I get during the year. I was waiting to do it until after the pictures...and one hour after was enough for me! :) We headed to Great Clips and I got it cut. I like having my hair longer, but wanted it short for a change.

Me trying to take the pic of the back by myself :)This was the end to our very busy day. It was fun...but has left us all tired and ready for bed early tonight!
Those pictures are amazing! So good. I think my favorites of Kaely are the ones with the teddy bear. The close up of her with the bear is soooo cute.
I love your hair! You are so lucky to have thick nice hair.
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