Just being the three of us it didn't take too long...but it was a lot of fun getting to watch Kaelyn open her gifts. Last year was so different...as she was not even two months old yet. She wasn't able to do a whole lot at that point.
A couple of pictures from the beginning of Christmas last year
This year however, she was able to tear the paper and play with the things we got for her. We started off with her stocking and in it she found a little Care Bear which she absolutely loved. She also got a couple of puzzles and a fun Farm Fridge toy which will keep her busy for hours on end. She enjoys repeating the sounds that the animals make.Kaelyn's Stocking & Care Bear
What a fun time we had as a family!! We of course caputred it with video and lots of pictures. These times when Kaelyn is young are so precious and we want to cherish them always! Now tonight we prepare for our visit to Scott's Dad's tomorrow afternoon and then his Mom's in the evening. It will be a long, but fun day! We're really looking forward to it. Neither Grandparent has seen Kaelyn walking yet, so that will be a fun thing for them to witness for the first time.Faith (remembering what Christmas is all about), Family, Fun, Fellowship and Food....these things make for a wonderful holiday season!!
hey im just a passer by but your daughter is really cute! lucky u! ;)
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