Tuesday, October 21, 2008

One Year Older....

Today I am one year older and it's crazy how fast the past year has gone! Isn't it weird to think back over the last year and all that has gone on in a fairly short period of time?? So much has changed in my life over the past year. The most memorable, and happiest day in the past year was definitely the birth of our daughter, Kaelyn!! She is our first child and has brought into our lives so much joy! I am truly blessed!! Last year at this time we were anticipating her arrival...and wondering when she would decide to enter this world and meet us! She decided to hold off until November 1st...but it was all worth the wait just to hold her in our arms!! :)

So far my birthday has started off perfectly....with kisses from my hubby and daughter and a sweet gift they got for me! I've been eyeing a super cute purse in our local mall for quite some time...and I guess Scott realized that. He surprised me with one of the purses that I have been wanting...what a sweet guy! I'm very luck to have him as my husband!! :) Seeing how my birthday is in the middle of the week like this...Scott had to work. But, I'm still looking forward to a night spent with him and Kaelyn later, just relaxing and enjoying a peaceful evening at home. This is my idea of the perfect birthday!!

Update: My wonderful hubby came home from work tonight and had a card in one hand and a beautiful bouquet of flowers in the other. What a good guy! He sure knows how to make me feel special and appreciated.... :)