This may seem a bit odd to some people, to have a picture of my wedding ring on my blog...however to me it's a celebration! Why? Well...because it's been 11 months since I wore my ring last and it is so nice to have it back on!!! I know, I know...it still doesn't make much since. You see, it just so happens that a certain percentage of women retain water after having a baby...usually in their fingers, and most times if they're breastfeeding. I thought mine were back to their pre-pregnancy size, but last Christmas I found out differently. I put my ring on only a month after having Kaelyn, so excitedly I might add...as the last month of pregnancy it did not fit....simply to find out that I was not able to take it off. It was saddening to have to go into a jeweler and watch them cut it off my finger. Thankfully it was fixable though, and 11 months later (just this week actually) I figured my fingers were probably back to normal and got it fixed! YEAH!!
I do have a wonderful husband though....so I wasn't without a ring all this time. He knew how much I missed having my ring to wear, so he surprised me last winter and took me out to pick out an anniversary set to wear in it's place for the time being. I am so thankful he did this....I would have been even more sad about not having my wedding ring if I hadn't had anything to wear this entire time. It is a beautiful ring and I'm SO excited to wear it on my other hand, right along with my wedding ring.
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