Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Weekend of Firsts

I guess you could say that this was a weekend of firsts for us. Scott and I were invited to a sales banquet that his new job was throwing down in Ames. This was not only the first big event that we had gone to for his new job, and one where I got to meet his coworkers for the first time, but also the first time that we left Kaelyn with someone else for an extended period of time.

When we found out that we were going to this formal banquet, we obviously knew that it was not an event Kaelyn would be able to attend. We asked my parents if they would be willing to watch her for us while we were gone. Of course they willingly said yes....they're wonderful Grandparents and adore their grandkids and the time they get to spend with them! :) When leaving at 4:00 yesterday, and knowing we wouldn't be back until hours after Kaelyn had gone to bed....I had mixed emotions. I knew she would do great, as she loves her Grampa and Grammy and is so comfortable with them...but for me it was the first time I'd been away from her for that long before. It was something I was excited about, but was also weird for me at the same time.

When we got home my parents filled us in on their evening...and as I suspected, everything went GREAT! Kaelyn was wonderful, as always, and they had a great time with her. I was SO happy to hear this. It was nice to have an evening away with my where we got to get all dressed up, and to be assured that Kaelyn handled her time away from us well. It's confirmation for me that she will do great the next time we ask my parents to watch her! Who knows, maybe we'll get more dates in the near future! :)